COVID-19 Preparedness Plan for Hope Rides
Hope Rides is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all team members and volunteers. Accordingly, the following Preparedness Plan for response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been developed. The goal of this plan is to mitigate the likelihood of transmission through the workplace and requires the cooperation of all members of Hope Rides to succeed.
Our most important resources are team members and volunteers, and we are dedicated to the health and safety of each person. Open lines of communication between team members and volunteers are in place for suggestions and feedback regarding the Preparedness Plan. The Preparedness Plan follows the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) guidelines and federal OSHA standards related to COVID-19 and addresses the following:
- Hygiene and respiratory etiquette
- Engineering and administrative controls for social distancing
- Housekeeping – cleaning, disinfecting and decontamination
- Prompt identification and isolation of sick persons
- Communications and training that will be provided to team members and volunteers
- Management and supervision necessary to ensure effective implementation of the plan
Screening and policies for those exhibiting signs and symptoms of COVID-19
All team members and volunteers have been informed and encouraged to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Any person self-identifying signs or symptoms of COVID-19 will report to Vollie Heitkamp and asked to self-isolate until signs and symptoms have resolved. Any persons on premises exhibiting signs or symptoms of COVID-19 will be sent home immediately and asked to self-isolate until all signs and symptoms have resolved. Core team members will be trained to identify signs and symptoms, and information about common signs and symptoms will be available on premises.
Hope Rides is a volunteer run organization and encourages those exhibiting any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 to stay at home and self-isolate until all signs and symptoms have resolved. Volunteers are asked to communicate with Vollie Heitkamp in the event of illness and need to modify or cancel scheduled hours.
Hope Rides has implemented a policy for informing team members and volunteers if they have been exposed to a person with COVID-19 through the organization and subsequent quarantine. Any person diagnosed with COVID-19 must report to Vollie Heitkamp, who will follow up with other persons that may have interacted based on schedule for premises. Individual names and health status will not be released by Hope Rides to protect right of privacy.
Infection prevention measures
Measures of basic disease prevention are being implemented on premises. All persons on premises are instructed to wash hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds frequently. Key times of hand washing include; arrival to premises, prior to consumption of food or beverage, after toilet usage and prior to leaving premises. Handwashing facilities are present on premises with running water and hand soap. Signs with proper handwashing procedures will be posted in handwashing area. Handwashing area will be checked daily by lead team member and initial checklist each day to monitor supplies and replenish as needed.
Respiratory etiquette: Cover cough and sneeze
All persons on premises will be instructed to cover their nose and mouth with sleeve or tissue when sneezing or coughing, with immediate disposal of tissues into trash and washing of hands. All persons on premises will be instructed to avoid touching their face with their hands. Signs will be posted in common areas to depict proper respiratory etiquette and verbal reminders will be given as necessary.
Social distancing
Hope Rides operates in a primarily open-air setting at the ranch and serves to self-limit close contact between persons on premises. Physical distancing is encouraged by all persons on premises and gathering in enclosed spaces (i.e. the office) is prohibited.
Vulnerable persons are encouraged to use self-provided Personal Protective Equipment as needed or stay at home to protect their health. Disinfecting agents (70% isopropyl alcohol) are labeled and available for use as needed at the designated check in station near entry to horse barn.
Routine cleaning and disinfecting for common areas (restroom, office and gathering area) will be performed at the conclusion of each programming day. Volunteer designated by lead for day will perform cleaning; spraying disinfectant (70% isopropyl alcohol) and wiping down of all contact surfaces following a minimum of 45 seconds contact time for disinfectant agent on surface. Checklist to be initialed following cleaning tasks.
Common equipment, including manure forks, grooming equipment and tack, will be disinfected with 70% isopropyl alcohol between uses. Other tools and equipment will be disinfected as needed, following usage.
Disinfection procedure if a team member is diagnosed with COVID-19;
Thorough disinfection of all common areas and equipment by spraying disinfectant and allowing adequate contact time. Following disinfectant procedure, all non-essential activities to be suspended for a 24-hour period. All team members and volunteers to be alerted of exposure to COVID-19 and asked to self-quarantine for a period of 14 days, following CDC guidelines.
Communication and training
The Preparedness Plan was distributed via e-mail on May 16 2020 to all core team members and volunteers. Core team members were provided with training on recognition of COVID-19 signs and symptoms and protocol procedures. Ongoing training will be provided as needed to new volunteers regarding the Preparedness Plan for COVID-19. A brief factsheet will be available on-site and volunteers will be updated on any changes to the plan. Core team members will monitor the program and communicate weekly to evaluate and modify as necessary.